Tips for SC3 Traders
Videogame trading is a staple of SC3. The last "C" in our name stands for "Collectors," after all! SC3 encourages you to bring your
extra videogaming merchandise to sell or trade – but space is limited. When you fill out the RSVP form
and press the Submit button, you'll be presented with an option to request space at the trade tables. We will do our best to accommodate
requests, but space will fill up fast. Those who RSVP first will be given table space first. Arriving early will not
guarantee you a table, and no one will be allowed in before the event starts. Do not bring your own tables – there won't be room.
Once all tables at the event fill up, that's it. You'll be welcome to work out trades in person and exchange the goods at your car, but you won't be able to bring the goods into the event.
We're sorry these restrictions are necessary, but as SC3's attendance and interest in trading has grown, they are necessary to ensure trade
space is divvied up as fairly as possible. If you have table space at the event, we recommend that you only bring your most interesting trade
fodder. There are some other things you can do to ensure successful trading as well:
Arrange your merchandise so that people can see it. Be sure all the game labels are readable and that the most
interesting stuff is clearly visible. But, do not spread your stuff out too far. Remember, other traders need space
too. SC3 reserves the right to remove items from the tables to make room for another trader. We realize the use of space is a
judgment call; if you aren't sure how much room you can take, find one of the SC3 staffers and ask.
Don't leave your valuable stuff unattended. You are responsible for your property. SC3 will not watch it for you.
We haven't had a problem with theft yet, but there's always a first time – and we have had some honest mistakes where one
trader's stuff accidentally ended up in another trader's area. If you aren't willing to lose an item, don't leave it unguarded.
Place your name and phone number next to your stuff. As we said, you shouldn't leave your valuable items unattended.
But maybe you brought a pile of low-value items that you don't mind risking while you wander off to play games. Remember, interested
traders won't be able to make a deal with you if they can't find you! We recommend that you place a sign or piece of paper next to
your stuff that includes your name and phone number, and carry a cellphone with you. Including a photo of yourself might not be a
bad idea either. Set your phone on "vibrate" because you won't be able to hear it on the arcade floor. You wouldn't believe how
many deals fail to happen just because the owner can't be found when an interested trader comes along!
Take your unsold stuff home with you! As collectors, we understand: sometimes you end up with extra "junk" that
you just don't want any more. Many people bring unwanted items to SC3 and give them away for free. We encourage this! But
sometimes, nobody else wants your junk either. If nobody takes it by the time you leave, you MUST take it back. It is
inconsiderate to leave it for the SC3 staff to deal with.
If you're selling or buying, bring plenty of $1 bills. We've seen lots of deals for $1- or $2-items fall apart
because neither party could make change!
As we said, anything videogame-related is fine to bring. However, you may be wondering if you can bring stuff that's not
videogame-related. The answer is yes, but within reason. In the past, collectors have brought things that weren't specifically
related to videogames, but that fit the general "theme" of SC3: ALF trading cards, electronic calculators made by Commodore, early
'80s robot toys, and so on. We don't mind if you bring a few of these kinds of items, but please don't overdo it. SC3 is a
videogame event, not eBay or Craigslist.
Happy trading!